Posted: 15th December 2019
Posted in: Bones Blog
For many people, the festive season is a happy time to take a break from work, connect with loved ones and celebrate the end of another big year. Sounds great, right? And it can be…but we’re also bombarded with often unrealistic versions of Christmas from print, TV and social media sources: think flawless families enjoying luxurious celebrations in picture perfect homes. The flip side of Christmas for many people is one where financial issues, family conflict and loneliness can bring on feelings of anxiety.
Everyone feels anxious at times and a certain level of anxiety is both normal and helpful. Anxiety can help motivate us and, in specific situations, feeling anxious triggers our primal fight or flight response, helping us avoid danger. But when the condition is persistent, overwhelming and out of proportion to the reality of the threat, feeling too much anxiety can be unhealthy.
Beyond Blue reports anxiety to be the most common mental health condition in Australia with one in four people – one in three women and one in five men – experiencing the condition at some stage in their life. These numbers alone should highlight that experiencing anxiety doesn’t make you weird or weak.
You’re smart enough to know that avoiding a problem typically doesn’t make the problem go away…and anxiety is no exception. But sometimes, knowing where to start is the challenge. How about these three simple suggestions:
Having a certain level of anxiety is normal. But when this becomes persistent or overwhelming, interferes with your ability to manage your life or when it has an impact on your physical or mental health, it’s time to take action.
You can do it. Start today. Best Christmas gift to yourself. Ever.
As HR Consultants working with a wide range of businesses, we know anxiety can affect people in different ways. We can help with confidential counselling, resources and advice to help your employees manage their anxiety and get them back on track. What makes us unique? Check out our experience here.
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