Servicing Australia wide HR consulting for employers Australia wide.

Change Management: the secret ingredient

Hi Bare Bones Consulting, we’re planning on rolling out a new CRM system to our business. Any tips on how we might ensure the change management process runs smoothly?

Great question…and one a short blog response will never do justice. That said, let’s take one key element associated with change management success or failure and expand on it a little. That element? Sensation of control.

Be it managerial, regulatory or technological, change in any corporate environment is inevitable. While some employees demonstrate an ability to deal with change, many more struggle with it. Some employees resist any change process to the extent their resistance can have negative effects for the business.

One psychological theory around resistance to change is that at the core of our opposition is fear of losing control…the fear that if we fail to control the outcome of future events, something negative will happen.

Organisations who manage change effectively foster a positive attitude toward change by purposefully planning for the emotional aspects of those impacted by the change. This includes a recognition of the importance of sensation of control. Elihayu Goldratt, originator of the theory of constraints, says he does not believe that people resist change absolutely. They reject or resist change that they have not been prepared for, about which they do not have adequate information and that they haven’t had time to understand…in other words, in situations where their sensation of control is minimal.

Sensation of control is enhanced when employees are provided adequate information around the value and the objective of the change and are offered the opportunity to participate in the decision-making process around implementation. This allows the employee to feel they have some sense of control of the process, which can reduce their concerns…and minimise potential opposition.

Organisations can mitigate the negative effects of resistance to change by holding open discussions which allow employees to air their concerns regarding the changes, integrating all levels of employees into change process implementation teams and providing additional training and resources to encourage employees to cope and adapt.

To thrive in today’s global economy, organisations need to be flexible and adapt readily to an ever-changing marketplace. And while no one can anticipate specific change, we can increase our capacity to address it effectively. Acknowledging sensation of control will communicate to your team that everyone within the business can survive change, can capitalise on the opportunities change brings and can prosper when your business does this better than your competitors.

With over 20 years in human resources, Greg Bowmer has the genuine HR experience that sets Bare Bones Consulting apart from other Gold Coast HR Consultants. We look for “low cost or no cost” solutions to your employment challenges before suggesting you spend your hard earned dollars on HR initiatives. Sound good? Shoot us a message through our “Contact us” page and let us know what you’re looking for…we’ll help get your HR function compliant and running smoothly so you can focus on the things you really enjoy. How’s that for sensation of control?


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    Burleigh Town 4220,
  • 07 5576 4693
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  • Bare Bones Consulting

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Note: Bare Bones Consulting provides HR services for employers. Employees seeking advice on workplace concerns should contact the Fair Work Infoline on 13 13 94.