Servicing Australia wide HR consulting for employers Australia wide.

Better revenue, happier customers and fewer conflicts: DiSC works for you

Sales down? Gen X’s and Millennial employees not seeing eye to eye? Customer complaints? DiSC might be the answer for you!

In many businesses I visit, I get a strong sense of “us and them” …a perceived gulf between management and workers, between older employees and millennials and occasionally, between front line representatives and customers.

Any of these situations impacts on your business. None of them positively. But there’s one tool, used by over one million people every year, that can provide your business improved work productivity, teamwork and communication…and at a value for money price.

Developed by psychologists, DiSC measures an individual’s behavioural style and how that person prefers to respond to co-workers, work challenges and working environment. Used by over 70% of Fortune 500 companies, the DiSC personal assessment has been taken by over fifty million people since 1972.

The online assessment takes most people between 10 and 15 minutes to complete. Questions are simple; there’s no right or wrong and DiSC is not a literacy, numeracy or aptitude test so participants approach the questionnaire with anticipation rather than fear. A Profile Report is generated immediately and provides the participant an easy to understand interpretation of their unique behavioural style, tendencies, management needs, preferred workplace environment and strategies for effective behaviour.

Is DiSC a smart investment for you? Check out four practical applications:

  • Enhancing communication: DiSC helps each person utilise a common language that elevates communication and teamwork, strengthening relationships which improve productivity and lead to better workplaces. Less bitching and dramas.
  • Generating revenue: an understanding and recognition of differing personality and communication types will enable your sales team to make the best possible connection with their customer. And that means dollars to you.
  • Developing leadership capability: DiSC helps individuals understand the communication styles and working preferences of other people and personality types. The Profile Report identifies the participant’s natural management style and how to improve their effectiveness as a manager and leader. Better leaders = more time for you to focus on building your business.
  • Optimising recruitment: DiSC provides concise information to assist with selection of the right person for your business. The Profile Report provides an insight as to your preferred candidate’s suitability with the role and whether they are likely to fit well with your team and culture. Right person first time equals less rework…and how much did your last recruitment mistake really cost you?

Like any tool, DiSC should not be considered a magic bullet on its own. Combined with the right HR documents and processes tailored to your people, operating environment and objectives, DiSC is proven to maximise the individual strengths of each team member and lead to higher performing and more productive workplaces.

Like to know more? Bare Bones Consulting can introduce you to DiSC. We’ll coordinate the assessments, interpret your team members’ Profile Reports and show you how to maximise the effectiveness of each of your employees. And we’ll make sure our DiSC recommendations integrate with your HR documents and procedures as well as aligning with your Fair Work employment obligations and your business objectives. Simple.

We know you’re busy working to make your business a success so we make things easy for you. Call us today for a complimentary chat or contact us here.

  • PO Box 3956,
    Burleigh Town 4220,
  • 07 5576 4693
  • 0401 279 065
  • Bare Bones Consulting

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Note: Bare Bones Consulting provides HR services for employers. Employees seeking advice on workplace concerns should contact the Fair Work Infoline on 13 13 94.