Compiling an end of financial year presentation and need information on Australian employment statistics to meet your deadline? Worry not my friends, the Australian Bureau of Statistics is your one stop shop for numerical data and objective information you can really use.
Employed Persons
- in August 2016, there were an estimated 11.8 million employed persons aged 15 years and over, of which 54% were males.
- an estimated 7.9 million (67%) employed persons worked full-time in their main job.
- almost half (46%) of all employed persons usually worked 35 – 44 hours per week. Males comprised 60% of these persons.
Independent Contractors
- there were approximately 1 million independent contractors in their main job in August 2016.
- approximately 9% of all employed persons were independent contractors, and almost three quarters (72%) of all independent contractors were males.
- more than half (55%) of independent contractors were aged 45 years and over.
- for males, the mean weekly earnings in all jobs was $1,420 and for females it was $1,007.
Trade Union membership
- trade union membership has steadily declined over recent years, with 2016 having the lowest proportion in the history of the series (15%).
For all employed persons:
- 13% (1.6 million) were trade union members in connection with their main job.
- the Education and training and Public administration and safety industry divisions had the highest proportion of trade union members in main job (both 31%).
Method of setting pay
- employees on an Award or Collective Agreement accounted for 59.2% of all employees in May 2016.
- employees paid by individual arrangement accounted for 37.3% of all employees
- 3.6% of employees are classified as Owner/Managers of incorporated enterprises.
You too can charm the ladies and impress the men at your next presentation with your grasp of employment statistics available online. Compile your own list at: