Servicing Australia wide HR consulting for employers Australia wide.

Perfect HR: what’s possible for my business?

Perfect HR. The term means different things to different organisations but it’s something most businesses strive for and never achieve. One reason? They don’t know what perfect HR looks like.

Let’s take a big picture approach to answer the question:

How do I know when I have the right HR function for my business?

You have employee records in place and workplace policies that are simple, relevant to your business, current and well communicated. Your risk is managed.

You have confidence in your team. Your people know what their job is, they have the skills to do it well, your Team Leaders effectively deal with 90% of workplace problems and your employee turnover level goes down. You spend less time dealing with things that take you away from generating revenue.

Your employees take care of your business as if it’s their own: putting forward suggestions for improvement, treating your customers the same way you do, looking after your business assets and doing everything they can to maximise productivity and product quality. Your team is engaged.

Everyone’s aware in what direction the business intends to head, how each individual contributes to your goals and they feel their contribution is recognised. Your people are at work when they’re at work; they tell you they enjoy coming to work and refer people to work with your business. They know there’s a future for them with you and, on the odd occasion they fall off the rails, they’re confident you’ll support them to get back on track.

Sound good? Just sit back for a moment and imagine where you could be right now if that was you.

Perfect HR is part of Bare Bones Consulting’s vision for your business. And we can help you realise it. Your first step? Pick up the phone or send us a message through the Contact Us box at the bottom of this page.

Having a chat with Bare Bones costs you nothing. At a minimum, what you’ll take away is an understanding of what perfect HR looks like in your business. And that small investment of your time may pay back big time in the long run.

  • PO Box 3956,
    Burleigh Town 4220,
  • 07 5576 4693
  • 0401 279 065
  • Bare Bones Consulting

Contact Us

Give Bare Bones Consulting a call to discuss our range of HR services to help your business succeed.

Even if you elect to not proceed after our first complimentary consultation you’ll be in a better position to know what’s possible.

We believe our approach to HR is unique... but then again, so is your business.

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Note: Bare Bones Consulting provides HR services for employers. Employees seeking advice on workplace concerns should contact the Fair Work Infoline on 13 13 94.